Last Chance

Last Chance


Here are just a few of the items. Visit us in person to see even more.

Do you like amazing deals on beautiful fine jewelry? Would you like to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on top quality fine jewelry? Shop our Red Tag Sale Section for one of a kind pieces at one of a kind prices. Many of these are being liquidated at dealer prices.

How do we get these great deals? From our older stock we want to blow out, dealer closeouts, manufacturer bankruptcies and estate buys. Each item is one of a kind. So when it's gone, it's gone forever. Better jump on one of these deals before it's gone.

Even More Red Tag Sale Items in Store

64 Items Reset Filters

Not all "Sales" are the same.

Do you see all those jewelry sales at the mall and chain stores? Most jewelry sales are fake. That's right.


Those 50% - 60% off sales you see, they aren't special. Because those stores mark up their crappy jewelry about 4 - 6 x cost, so they can then have a 50% off sale. Every week it's on sale! These stores don't ever intend to sell the items at the marked price. It's just marked that 4 - 6 times cost so they can then mark it down and dupe the inexperienced into thinking they are getting a "deal"! That's what you call a fake sale.


But in our Red Tag showcase, these items are being sold near or below our cost!